Market Hog Information
1) Required premises tagging for Swine. The regulations are set forth under Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Animal Disease Traceability rules. All swine must be tagged with a Premises Identification Tag to be unloaded at the Jr Show grounds. These tags can be obtained from the breeder you purchased your animal from. If you are the breeder you must register for a Premises Identification Number with Oregon Department of Agriculture at: The registration is free and can be completed same day through email. ODA also is the source for you or your breeder to obtain Premises ID tags.
For questions, concerns, or help please contact Travis Glover at 541-969-9030
Small Animal Information
Milton-Freewater Jr. Show Sale is a termination sale. ALL MARKET ANIMALS ARE INCLUDED. No animals shall be allowed to go home with the exhibitor.
Birth Certificates for Market Rabbits only must be turned in at time of Check-in to your Superintendent.