Supporting the Jr Show & Sale
Making A Difference In Our Leaders of Tomorrow
The Milton-Freewater Jr Show & Sale is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
The legal name is East Umatilla Junior Fair Association. FEIN# 93-0821256.
We do not receive any funds from local or state taxes to help operate and maintain our fair and grounds.
​We solely count on the generous support and contributions from our business community and individuals.
​We have two major fundraisers per year. Our Father/Daughter Dance in February and The Green Pancake Feed in March.
We also accept donations and pledges throughout the year to assist in the maintenance of the Jr Show Grounds & Buildings.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any donation; volunteering your time, products, or funds. ALL donations go towards supporting our Leaders of Tomorrow and the local community!